Meet Two Of Our New Students…

This week I thought I might introduce you to two of our current students who started studying with us in January. The accounts below are translations of their answers to various questions put to them. We have blocked out their eyes and changed or concealed names and locations in order to protect their identity in view of the government’s anti-conversion laws.

Meet Bhakti Tholpa.

He is 47 years old, married with a wife, two daughters and one son. One daughter is married. His son is doing a Bth course in Kathmandu at the National Theology College.

He is very excited to be an Engage student with us and can’t wait to share what he learns with others.

How did you become a Christian?

I have been a Christian for 15 years. I became a Christian in northwest India. My wife was ill. I spent money on necromancers, and on animals to sacrifice to gods and demons. Nothing happened. They found stones in her gaul bladder and stomach problems. The doctors examined her and said she needed an operation. We were afraid if she died what would happen to the little children. We were referred to Delhi.

We met a Nepali Christian who was in India from their village in Nepal, who recommended we pray to the Christian’s God. We prayed with a double mind. We were told we must not be double-minded. We decided to believe and trust the Lord. We needed 80K rupees for the operation. We just trusted God and my wife had no operation – and she is well.  I live 9 hours journey from the Engage Training Centre.


What interested you in joining this course?

Four years ago I came from India to live in Nepal. I became part of Bhali’s home church (one of our Engage church planters). Bhali has asked me to help with the ministry. We both thought this would be a good course for me.


What is your vision for serving God in the future?

“I must learn more about the Bible to be able to teach and lead others.” He has left his home in a village 2 and a half hours walk from the home church of Bhali. He left that village quite some time ago because of opposition. He has a vision to plant a church with Bhali in his own village where there is no other Christian. This village is opposed to the Gospel. The people are tribal –there are 80 households and they practice demonic worship. He was encouraged by the class where we spoke about praying for a person/household of peace in the village when seeking to begin a church plant.

Meet Devari Asodaki

She is 34 years old, married with a husband.  She lives in the area of one of our current church planters about 20 hours journey from our Engage Training Centre.

She too has been referred to us by one of our very first church planters to come and study with us.

She has a very keen desire to share her faith with all she can in her life.

How did you become a Christian?

I have been a Christian for 6 years. My husband and I became Christians at the same time.

I was ill and went to Kathmandu for treatment. My husband also became ill while we were in Kathmandu. We were Hindus. We tried various medicines unsuccessfully, including some witchcraft.  Another Hindu lady suggested we go to a Christian Church because “you will be healed” by the Christian God. We heard the Gospel and repented, but for a few months my husband was not much better. Someone from the church came to check on us – and suggested that we fully trust in the Lord. Later my husband grew better. We were baptized in Kathmandu.


What interested you in joining this course?

I had it recommended to by one of the first Engage church planters.

She is so hungry to learn: “I want to learn sooooo many things from the Word of God!”


What is your vision for serving God in the future?

I have a heart for the area where I live. When we went home from Kathmandu I was keen to preach the gospel to my family members. But I needed to survive, so I now have a small shop, and I actively look for opportunities to share the Gospel with people who come in to the store. My husband is also keen to learn and share the Gospel.