Welcome to ENGAGE International
Engage International is a non-denominational Mission agency working to reach the many unreached people groups of the world in obedience to the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20). Over the last few decades ENGAGE has worked in Eastern Europe building up the church through short/long term mission teams and church planting, our focus over the last 10 years has shifted to South Asia and the 10/40 window.
Our Vision
Is to see churches established and strengthened in the third world by training indigenous Church planters and Christian leaders. We train national Christian leaders who plant churches that are: “Culturally Relevant; Grace Oriented; and Kingdom Focused”

All financial contributions help us to financially support and train national Christian leaders and Church planters in least reached places. We believe it is only God who can supply all our needs and cause our work to be successful. Your prayer contributes to the success of the Gospel and the growth of local indigenous churches in these hard to reach places.
If you sense the call of God to be more practically involved with ENGAGE, we need volunteers to partner with us and GO as trainers, helpers, medical workers, evangelists, and event home base administrators. For lists of opportunities, click here. If you would like to contribute use the Paypal buttons below or go here.