Thank you for your interest in supporting us. We value your prayer support for our ministry. Our prayers move mountains! So thank you for committing to regular prayer support for us.
We also value your financial support, without which we couldn’t function. One of the best ways you can help the church in southern Asia is to financially support a church planter. Your support of church planters helps them to be free to do their work and still support their families. The training of indigenous church planters is the best strategy to extend the kingdom of God in these unreached areas of the world.
B**** is 55 years old; he has a wife, 4 daughters and 2 sons. He has been a Christian for about 35 years. He came to the lord through the witness of Wycliffe Bible translators who came to his home village. It was then that this former Hindu heard the gospel and discovered the Creator God through the witness of local Christians. In his early years of faith, he faced a lot of persecution. He is one of two elders/pastors in his village/town (the other one is his brother). His church is large with about 180 baptised members. He feels a responsibility to lead the church to maturity. He wants to be more involved in ministry and church-planting. He and his family are trusting God to guide them and provide for them. He completed the ENGAGE International church-planter training course and is now involved in pastoring and church planting.
Thank you for your support of ENGAGE International.
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Account Name: Engage International Inc
BSB No: 014228
Account Number: 389222823
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