Updates From Our Church Planters

Updates From Our Church Planters

Please pray for our church planters as they continue to serve the Lord and share the gospel, disciple new believers, and build up local churches.

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LG.: I have visited a village called U** ( 2 hours walk from my village).One family came to the Lord from that village. The head of the house got baptism. Altogether 9 people got baptised in this month. I did visit another village a few months ago where I shared the gospel and now one family believe in Jesus.

Is: I have shared the gospel to around 20 people. One person had been very against Christianity but this time he accepted Jesus. Praise God. Some people still are very against in that village.

Ji:  This time I did visit the area near my village. There I met one lady who heard about Jesus in India and it was a good time to share more about Jesus to her. I encouraged her to walk close to Jesus. This time I shared the gospel to 7 households and a few people listened well. I did visit two other households too in another place. I also shared the gospel to another 12 people. People listened very interestingly but they found it difficult to make a decision.

Ru: Two new people are ready for baptism this time. The church fellowship is doing well. Some people now say, “why are you preaching about Jesus as it is not allowed in our country!”.

Ish:  The roads are blocked now due to landslides. and so I could not visit other towns much this month. Here in the newly planted fellowship near my place, one person in a new family who was ill heard about Jesus, and was healed and now the family come to the church. In my village the community give more respect to the Christians because of the good behaviours of Christians. Pray that they will come to the Lord.

Go: The fellowship is doing well. 2 people accepted Jesus. 3 people got baptised.I shared the gospel to around 30 people.

Ba: I have shared the gospel to 15 people. 4 new people started to come to the church.

Please spend some time in prayer for these servants of God now.